
Showing posts from June 26, 2017


Vacuum energy is the energy created by empty space by the constant creation and destruction of particles by the quantum fields that fill the universe. Of all of the weird influences of quantum physics, probably one of the strangest is that there's no such thing as a truly "empty space," because these regions are filled will quantum fields that are constantly fluctuating, creating pairs of virtual particles that instantly annihilate each other. This activity generates a background energy, known as the vacuum energy. VACUUM ENERGY AND THE HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE One of the key concepts in quantum mechanics is known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states that in quantum physics certain related physical properties, such as energy and time, can never both be known precisely in a quantum system. The more precisely that you know one of the physical properties, the less precisely you know the other property. Consider what this means fo...